World Press Freedom Index 2023

World Press Freedom Index 2023

According to Reporters Without Borders' (RSF's) most recent report, India's position in the 2023 World Press Freedom Index has dropped to 161 out of 180 nations. RSF is a global NGO whose stated objective is to protect and promote press freedom. It has consultative status with the UN and its headquarters are in Paris. 

Objectives: The objective of the World Press Freedom Index, which it publishes annually, "is to compare the level of press freedom enjoyed by journalists and media in 180 countries and territories" over the course of the previous calendar year.

Top three countries                                                                    Bottom three countries
1.Norway                                                                                     180. North Korea
2. Ireland                                                                                     179. China
3. Denmark                                                                                 178. Vietnam
India (161), in 2022, India was ranked at 150

World Press Freedom Day (3 May)



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